Sales & Trading
Fidentiis Equities trades in all the western European equity markets in an agency capacity. Our fundamental added value comes from our investment ideas and our institutional relationships in Spain, Portugal and Italy, but our trading capabilities extend to other markets where we offer bespoke services tailored to our client needs ("best execution" policy , high touch trading).
Sales & Trading IBERIA
Francisco Casal Ribeiro
Sales Trading and Trading Manager
Francisco, head of Sales Trading and Trading at Fidentiis, started his career in 1995 on the buy-side as an equity and fixed income Trader in M-Fiduciaria (Portuguese Banco Mello’s asset management unit). He then moved to ESER( Banco Espirito Santo brokerage arm) in 1998 to be a local broker covering international clients till mid 2000, moving then to Citigroup to be Sales Trading Paneuro and Trading Spain and Portugal.
John Wilcox
Sales Trader
John worked as a Pan-European trader at Capital Group for 4 years before joining Mark and Quique at Carnegie España in 1996 as a Specialist Iberian Sales-Trader. He stayed with the team throughout their moves to Schroders, Citigroup and now Fidentiis and is considered one of the top Iberian specialist Sales-Traders in the market.
Manuel Heredia
Sales Trader/Trader
Manuel began his career as an equity sales trader for Link Securities SVB in 1996. He then moved to Inverseguros SVB, also a local broker, servicing domestic clients before joining Citigroup in 2000. At Citigroup he became part of the trading team sharing responsibilities over Spanish and Portuguese Equities trading books until March 2005. He then moved to BBVA’s sales trading desk to provide service to international clients.
Sales & Trading ITALY
Neil O’Connor
Sales & Sales Trading
Neil moved to Italy in 2000 with Salomon Smith Barney after the merger with Schroders as a sales assistant for the Italian team. He then moved to Gestnord the brokerage arm of Banca Sella in 2003 to be a local broker providing a sales and execution service for U.K. institutional clients trading in Italy. He then moved to Centrosim in 2007 as an Italian equity sales trader, before joining Fidentiis, Milan in 2010.
María Acilio
Sales & Sales Trading
Maria Acilio began her career in 1999 at a retail brokerage house in the US before moving to the institutional side in 2001. She worked as an equity sales trader at Intermonte SIM in Milan from 2001 until 2012 covering the Italian equity market for U.S. and U.K. based institutional clients.